Fire/Explosion procedures
You can also Download this as a PDF the link is - Fire / Explosion. Initial Response 1) Sound the appropriate alarm. 2) Muster personnel at designated stations. 3) Determine if anyone is missing/injured & if so their location. 4) If anyone has been killed. 5) Locate the area of the fire. 6) Contain & prevent the spread of fire. 7) Shut off ventilation & fuel/apply surface cooling ASAP. 8) Determine the extent of the fire. 9) Make risk assessment for rescue/fire parties. 10) Find out the type of fire & best method to control/extinguish it. 11) Deploy damage control team if appropriate. 12) Inform coastguard/CRS/DPA ashore if appropriate. If in port Initial Response (give the following information to shore) 1) Name & nationality of the ship. 2) Name & number of pier, berth or other positive i